17 totally wild facts you just learned about the ocean

17 totally wild facts you just learned about the ocean

1.sand Tiger sharks fart. They take air from the surface to make them more buoyant, and what goes in must come out. When they want to take the plunge, they fart!

Closeup of a shark

John Van Decker/Alamy Stock Photo

2.Greenland shark The flesh is poisonous When consumed raw, but when dried, it is edible and gives an intoxicating effect to the consumer, much like alcohol.

Big shark in the water

Spotted Zebra / Alamy Stock Photo

3.Lobsters It was mainly designed by Picasso. Their brain is in their throat, their teeth are in their stomachs, and their kidneys are in their heads.

Closeup of lobster underwater

Perspective / scientific photo album

4.Beluga whales can imitate human voices. Nuuk, Beluga V.I Marine Mammal InstituteHe was so good at it, one of the divers next to him thought his supervisor was giving him instructions through the intercom.

5.Orcas are able to learn Dolphin. this Cross-species language learning It was observed when a group of orcas living with a group of dolphins was studied to add more clicks and whistles in their speech patterns to better communicate with the dolphins.

Orcas on the roof

Sue Clark/Alamy Stock Photo

6.The dolphins form boy bands, group of males which travel together and synchronize their calls to attract potential females. They stayed together for decades.

Dolphins swim

Alexander Caminada/Alamy Stock Photo

7.also, Dolphins call themselves names. When they are born, they are given a unique whistle to identify themselves. This whistle is often used in larger group settings.

Dolphins swim

Imagebroker / Alamy Stock Images

8.In 2016, A.J An octopus named Enki escaped From New Zealand Aquarium. Enki escaped from his enclosure at night, slipped to the ground, slipped through a six-inch drainpipe, escaped into the ocean, and was never seen again. How do we know? It left a wet trail!

9.Not to be outdone in dexterity, the mimic octopus is said to be, as well Capable of impersonating 15 different species from predators. Although not the most accurate of impersonations, it is enough to fool other ocean dwellers.

The octopus mimics an eel, a lionfish, and more

10.On the subject of cephalopods, in 1978, the USS Stein was attacked by a Kraken. Well, maybe not a Kraken, but after the emergency, it’s back at port with slits along its side and claw hooks embedded in it that match a giant squid. Based on the markings and claws, the researchers believe it must have been one of the largest claws ever. It is probably about 150 feet long.

        bilwissition Ltd.  & amp;  Company KG / Alamy Stock Photo

bilwissition Ltd. & Co. KG / Alamy photo gallery

11.“She sells seashells on the seashore” was a rhyme based on a fact Someone named Mary Anning who sold seashells to tourists in the 19th century. Along the way, I found many dinosaur skeletons that contributed to the theory of evolution.

Mary's painting

Natural History Museum/Science Stock Photo

12.There is quite a dead zone in the Black Sea Preserved wrecks. Like, so perfectly preserved that you can see the chisel indicating the shipbuilders left.

Underwater shipwreck

FWIW, a dead zone is an area of ​​water that lacks oxygen, so not many animals live there.

Poelzer Wolfgang / Alamy photo gallery

13.Speaking of dead zones, scientists actually nailed it Broadcast the sound of sound corals In the dead zones of the Great Barrier Reef, and remarkably, fish have returned to that area. Researchers say that returning fish to these degraded parts of the reef is a great way to help restore coral health.

14.While we’re on the subject of the dead (that’s a horrible clip, I’m sorry), there’s a company called Coral reefs that transform corpses’ ashes In the coral reefs that will be deployed in the ocean and create a habitat for marine life.

News story showing coral reefs

15.The last one about coral reefs, Dubai was actually able to successfully relocate the entire coral reef to save it from development. after it was moved, grew by 20%!

Underwater world with corals

16.Here’s the scary thing: As remnants of world wars, it’s still there Approximately 80,000 live marine mines in the Atlantic Ocean.

Marine mine on the beach

17. But let’s end on a happy note. There is an electric eel named Miguel Watson in the Tennessee Aquarium own Twitter account It will chirp whenever it produces a jolt of electricity strong enough.


– Miguel Watson TNAQ (ElectricMiguel) May 19, 2023

Twitter: @EelectricMiguel

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