Experts sounded the alarm after a rare appearance of the “devil bird” in New York: “We must act now”

Experts sounded the alarm after a rare appearance of the "devil bird" in New York: "We must act now"

Some bird watchers in upstate New York are getting a rare treat, because a species of bird almost never seen before in the area suddenly begins to appear. But these manifestations may become less rare, and may not actually be all that treatable.

What is happening?

One breathesalso known as “Devil’s Bird” observer In Prospect Park in Brooklyn, to the delight of New York City bird watchers.

The word anhinga, which comes from the Tupi Indians of Brazil, roughly translates to “devil bird” or “evil forest spirit,” according to Anhingas swim partially submerged in the water, leaving only its serpent-like head visible from the surface.

And while a single bird alone doesn’t make for a direction, another bird-watcher in Rome, New York, 180 miles north of the city, reported stumbling across a group of 22 Anhingas strung together next to a canal.

According to the New York County Birders Twitter accountProspect Park anhinga is the first of its kind to be spotted in New York City since 1992.

experts Tell The New York Times reports that anhingas are venturing outside their normal migration range due to warming temperatures as a result of our planet’s warming.

Why is this worrying?

As our planet continues to warm, due in large part to our use of dirty energy sources, such as coal, oil and methane, animal habitats and migration patterns are affected, causing a ripple effect throughout different ecosystems.

According to the Audubon SocietyHighly and averagely exposed birds may lose more than half of their current range β€” the geographic area in which they live β€” as they are forced to seek suitable habitat and climatic conditions elsewhere.

In addition, forcing birds to live in new habitats leads to competition for resources between species with which it was not previously possible to interact.

As exciting as it may be to see a new species of bird in your local garden, it doesn’t bode well for our planet.

what should be done?

β€œIn order to keep warming stable, we must act now to reduce the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere and limit warming to 1.5 degrees,” according to the Audubon Society. books on its website. “We must reduce our carbon emissions as well as absorb what is produced through natural solutions such as reforestation or by using technology that removes carbon from the air.”

The best way to do this is to shift our energy dependence away from dirty energy to cleaner and more abundant sources like solar and wind.

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