Are natural sweeteners safe and good for you? what do you know

Are natural sweeteners safe and good for you?  what do you know
Are natural sweeteners really better than synthetic ones?  Here's what you should know.  (Photo: Getty Images; Designed by Victoria Ellis for Yahoo News)

Are natural sweeteners really better than synthetic ones? Here’s what you should know. (Photo: Getty Images; Designed by Victoria Ellis for Yahoo News)

There’s been a lot of chatter recently about the potential dangers of artificial sweeteners, with aspartame — the popular artificial sweetener found in drinks like Diet Coke — recently identified by the World Health Organization as It may be carcinogenic to humans. While debate rages on whether artificial sweeteners are generally safe to consume or should be avoided, you may be wondering about alternatives to artificial sweeteners. Is there a healthier option than both artificial sweeteners and White table sugar, which is often criticized and which put everyone into industrial shock in the first place?

Enter natural sweeteners, which can give your food and beverages the sweetness you might be craving.

Here’s what you need to know about some of the most popular natural sweeteners.


What is this?

Allulose, according to jessica seibel, clinical nutritionist and founder health jsIt is a sweetener derived from the fructose naturally found in foods such as figs, raisins, jackfruit and maple syrup.

It was initially discovered in 1940, but it wasn’t until 1994 when Ken Izumori of Kagawa University in Japan found a way to convert fructose into allulose, using an enzyme. In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allowed allulose to be present Listed as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS)although it is not approved in the European Union or in Canada.

Registered Dietitian, Scott Keatley Kettle Medical Nutrition TherapyChemically, allulose is classified as “a rare sugar, because it is found in nature but only in small quantities.” “You can use allulose as a sugar substitute in many recipes, especially in baking, as it behaves like regular sugar in terms of texture and caramelization,” he adds.

Does it have calories or nutritional value?

Seibel says that while allulose contains “very few calories,” it is “neither absorbed nor contributes to daily caloric intake.” According to Keatley, allulose has “about 0.2-0.4 calories per gram, which is much less than regular table sugar (sucrose), which has about 4 calories per gram.”

Are there any possible health effects?

While the FDA recognizes that allulose is safe to eat, Keatley notes that “As with other sugars, consuming excessive amounts may lead to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.”

“Because it’s sugar, it can also trigger a dopamine response and cause cravings for more sweets,” Keatley adds.

monk fruit

What is this?

Monk fruit, also known as Lu Han Guois a small, round fruit native to southern China,” Keatley says. The fruit, whose name comes from the Buddhist monks who first cultivated it, “it contains sweet compounds called mogrosides, which are processed into a non-caloric sweetener,” he adds.

Does it have calories or nutritional value?

Monk fruit contains no calories or carbohydrates, Keatley says, making it a “favorite choice” for people on a ketogenic diet who still want sweetness.

Are there any possible health effects?

“The sweet taste comes from mogroside, which is an antioxidant. It may also have anti-inflammatory effects,” says Seibel. “However, since the sweetener dose would be so small, it is not clear if these effects would occur.”


What is this?

Stevia is derived from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. The sweetener is 200 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, Keatley says, which means you only need a small amount to sweeten food.

Does it have calories or nutritional value?

Stevia is calorie free.

Are there any possible health effects?

Stevia has a complicated history. Early studies suggested that Stevia causes cancerand the US Food and Drug Administration banned it in 1991. However, that changed in 1995, At VeryWell Health. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has revised the ban on stevia leaves and extracts and allowed them to be used as dietary supplements — but not as sweeteners. In 2008, the FDA said that high-purity stevia extracts (95% minimum purity) are generally considered safe (GRAS), but stevia leaf and raw stevia extract are still not recognized as GRAS.

“Neither whole leaf stevia nor raw extracts have been approved, due to concerns about glycemic control and effects on the kidneys, cardiovascular system, and reproductive system,” says Keatley.

Although there is no hard limit for stevia, it should be used in moderation, he adds, because “consuming large amounts may lead to digestive issues, and it can lead to a bad aftertaste.”


What is this?

Tagatose, according to Keatley, is a naturally low-calorie monosaccharide sugar derived from lactose, and found in some fruits, cocoa, and dairy products.

Does it contain calories or nutritional value?

Tagatose contains about 1.5 calories per gram, which is less than the 4 calories per gram found in regular sugar. “It has a minimal effect on blood sugar levels and insulin response. In addition, sugar may not be addictive, as it comes from lactose, which is known not to stimulate a dopamine response.”

Are there any possible health effects?

Siebel says that tagatose can cause “mild gastrointestinal effects, such as nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence.” These side effects have been found to occur at a dose of 30 grams per day.

More research is necessary, but early results suggest this Tagatose might help control blood sugarWhich makes it a good choice for diabetics.

Are natural sweeteners better for you than artificial sweeteners?

The jury is still out, but experts say there is reason to consider using natural sweeteners. “Natural sweeteners have less likely baggage,” says Keatley. “You get a highly digestible sweetness that won’t spike your blood sugar, trigger an insulin response and make your body more likely to store fat. With artificial sweeteners, that can come with other downsides, like upset stomach and insulin resistance.” potential. The best depends on the individual’s needs and goals.”

“There are pros and cons to using both natural and artificial sweeteners, but the advice I like to give my clients is that using natural sweeteners in small amounts is usually best,” says Megan Hilbert, a registered dietitian with Top nutrition training who specializes in gut health, tells Yahoo News. “Many sweeteners are only partially absorbed, so they enter our large intestine, which means they affect our microbiota. Some studies show that this may affect the health of our gut. There are also other studies that link the use of artificial sweeteners to conditions such as obesity and cancer, But it’s important to note that research is ongoing and many of the studies showing these links were done in animals, not people.”

However, Seibel says that while she prefers natural sweeteners to artificial sweeteners, there is another way to get the same flavor without either. “I really like adding sweetness with less processed sugar alternatives—like fruit, dates, honey, and maple syrup—as a first choice,” she says.

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